Polar CS600 Cycling Computer

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Price: $419.99 

Product Feature
- Handlebar-mounted cycling computer for advanced riders
- Compatible with W.I.N.D. Power Sensor, combining heart rate monitoring and power output measurement
- Large customizable display showing four separate elements of information
- Smooth and aerodynamic case design made from tough reinforced polycarbonates for maximum durability
- Estimated Time of Arrival feature based on your cycling speed
Product Description
The CS600 is for both the professional cyclist and for the cyclist who wants to ride with the best.
Polar CS600 Cycling Computer Review
I've had a few cycling computers in the past that were decent for giving me the basics (speed and distance), then moved to a Polar CS200 as my cycling advanced so that I could add heart rate and cadence to the mix. About 6 months later, I wanted to add power output to the mix. Daunted by the really high price of a PowerTap or it's ilk (not to mention the hassle and expense of re-doing the hub in my rear wheel), I opted to move up to the CS600 so I could "have it all". I've been very happy with the results. I have found that I have all the reliability of the CS200 for heart rate, distance and cadence, and have also added the altimeter, which processes the information to give me the grade of the hills I ride plus the advantage of my power output with the upgrade kit for the CS600.
The power sensor, which incorporates the cadence pick-up is a minimal hassle to set-up, but much less of a hassle than replacing the rear hub (such as with other popular power meters)--and you can install it at home pretty easily. All that is necessary is to place a pick-up on the rear derailler (by replacing a screw in one of the jockey wheels) and to place zip-ties to hold the rest of it in place. There is a little fidgeting to adjust the pick-ups--then you're done. Another really good improvement from Polar is the digital W.I.N.D. wireless transmission. This allows the sensors to be a greater distance from the computer (rather than the prior limited 40cm distance) and no interference from other wireless cycling computers that may be nearby on a group ride. That means more reliable transmission--and also the flexibility to place the speed pick-up on the rear wheel (which I have done).
It is necessary to calibrate this unit for chain weight (a chart with standard weights for popular chains is provided in the instructions), however knowing your actualy chain weight will improve precision. Your local bike shop or the box the chain came in should be able to provide more accurate information. Also, for greater precision, as with all cycling computers, taking a standard measure of rolling tire circumference (in mm) is necessary to calibrate the computer. Once this is done, you're all set to ride!
The data from this computer seems to be quite reproducible. I cannot vouch as to whether the watt output is exactly precise if compared with a "gold standard", but it provides good consistency so you can easily compare one work-out to another and track your progress.
The included software is pretty easy to use and offers really good tracking of progress over time as well as a very good graphical display of each workout, including all the parameters you're set-up to use. (Even if you choose this unit without the power-output, it will still record and display everything else, including speed, heart rate, cadence, distance, duration of the workout, altitude and even temperature. With the power pick-up, the watts are recorded as well.) The software allows you to do a very detailed analysis of each work-out that is easy to follow. You can see how many watts you pulled and what your heart rate was when you were really gutting it out on that steep hill--and it will also calculate the grade to see just how steep that hill was. Another really appreciated feature is that this program and data are on *your* computer, not stored on Polar's website--although you may upload it to their site if you wish. That means you are not subject to having to bow to Polar's website changes or accessibility to access and analyze your workouts.
The one real dissapointment is that although the computer analysis is great and really makes this a powerful tool, Polar chose not to include an IRDA (infra-red) port reader with this cycling computer. The CS600 transmits its data to your home computer through an IRDA port, so it is necessary to purchase this as well if you don't already have one on your computer--and you don't discover until after you've opened the box. If you don't have an IRDA port, you can't access the data from the CS600, so the IRDA port is a critical component to access the value of this cycling computer. Polar should have either chosen to include that port with the CS600 or more clearly stated that it is necessary if you don't have an IRDA port already on your computer.
All in all, I'm very happy with this unit. So much so, in fact, that when I had lost this unit at one point, I ordered a replacement one so I could continue using its features. This is my best recommendation for it--not only *would* I buy it again, I *did*!
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