Prevalon Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector Case 2

Product Description
PREVALON PRESSURE-RELIEVING HEEL PROTECTOR, 2/CASEProvides the most advanced protection against heel pressure ulcers and plantar flexion contracture for nonambulatory peopleSOLD BY CASE 2/EAManufacturer: Sage Products (TO) - One of the world leaders in manufacturing and distribution of healthcare equipment and supplies. Most of their products offer a limited lifetime warranty (excluding disposable products). Estimated ground shipping time on this product is 2-5 business days.Prevalon Pressure-Relieving Heel Protector Case 2 Review
This item, the Prevalon Pressure Relief bootie, is quite effective for wear in bed to help healing of pressure ulcers (bedsores) on the heels, which are quite common in hospitals and especially in nursing homes. Bedsores on the heel will not heal, even with medication, if pressure is maintained on the heel, such as when wearing shoes or lying supine in bed. If you buy one of these it is best to get the model with the detachable gray "wedge." Some have complained the Velcro straps don't hold up.My father was given a pair of these for wear in a Cleveland Clinic hospital after he developed a heel ulcer while in a nursing home. Another option is what is commonly referred to as a "PRAFO boot" or its equivalent (see Prafo 650 Custom AFO). There are similar boots available from other manufacturers, and some are less complicated than the PRAFO, using Velcro closures, e.g. The PRAFO's and equivalents will probably last a lot longer than the Prevalon.
Generally, boots of this type are not meant for walking. So for walking consider the Bauerfeind GloboPed Mobil Heel Relief Shoe, available from Amazon. My father used the "Bauerfeind GloboPed Mobil" for walking and found it helpful. See my review of that item.
Note that the Prevalon bootie should not cost more than around ninety USD for one or a hundred eighty USD for two, e.g. when buying direct from Sage Products or online. Google for "Prevalon."
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