BULK (100)Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb, Professional Stainless Steel Louse and Nit Comb for Head Lice Treatment, Removes Nits

Product Feature
- Stainless steel comb with micro-grooved teeth. Removes lice and nits safely.
- Safe and Effective. The Nit Free Terminator can be used Multiple times to treat the entire family.
- The Stainless steel construction is unbreakable when used as directed.
- #1 Lice Comb used by Professional Lice Removal Services! Lifetime Guarantee.
Product Description
Nit Free TERMINATOR Comb is the ultimate Tool to fight Head Lice and their eggs (nits). ANTI-SLIP BANDS allow for better gripping and control. ADVANCED LASER TECHNOLOGY welding make the comb sturdy and long-lasting. MICROGROOVED TEETH consist of micro sprials around the teeth that allow the teeth to grip the eggs and lice pulling them freely from the hair. The Nit Free Terminator comb is the leading comb on the market backed by university case studies. The #1 comb used by professional nit pickers. Use the Nit Free products for all your head lice needs. The Nit Free Terminator is backed by a money back guarentee not to break. The Terminator comb is reuseable, simply place in boling water for 30 seconds, allow to cool and rinse.BULK (100)Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb, Professional Stainless Steel Louse and Nit Comb for Head Lice Treatment, Removes Nits Review
This is the first time I have felt compelled to write a review for anything and I buy lots of items from Amazon. My daughter came home from a summer visit at her father's infested with lice. I thought it would be simple to get rid of. No clothes were allowed inside until washed. I treated her head with lice treatment. I spent two days picking out bugs and nits. One day at hotel and one at home. I colored her hair. All this before she was allowed into her bedroom. I know I spent over 12 hours straight combing through her hair and hand picking out bugs and nits. I have never seen anything like her infestation before. After having live bugs still running away from me after the lice treatment, I read all I could on the internet for other treatments. Mayo. Listerine. Olive Oil. Tree Tea Oil. Peppermint Shampoo. Tree Tea shampoo. I spent hundreds of dollars trying to get rid of these things. They all seemed to work to a certain degree, but not totally. I still combed nits out daily. You have to understand, when she first came home, she had 2 or 3 nits on what seemed like EVERY hair on her head. After 2 months my daughter's hair was prettier then it had ever been...although shorter to be sure! But I still found nits and bugs on occasion. I was at wit's end and shared many tears of frustration with my daughter. Who at no fault of her own felt so bad that she had these nasty creatures in her hair. Never have I been so frustrated or angry. I hated those little bugs!!!! Then I gave up and said ok, I'll try the stupid comb. What's 20 more bucks gonna hurt? The first night I combed though her hair and couldn't believe the stuff it pulled out. I had just dyed her hair (yet again) to try to kill off the little buggers, and I know I combed out over a dozen of them. Not to mention the nits. And other gunk, that I knew must be dead bugs and waste from these things. And to look at her hair, it appeared so clean!!! at the same time of being totally disgusted with what I was combing out, I was excited too! Was it going to work? day two, I combed again and got maybe 6 to 12 more bugs. Day 3...I'm down to only being able to find 4 bugs. Day 4 I had no bugs. Day 5 still nothing! She truly is lice free. I can't express enough how wonderful this comb is. I comb once a week now just so we never EVER have to go though this again. I truly don't understand why I had to go online to find this comb. No where in my town was it offered. Only the WORTHLESS over the counter USELESS chemicals that didn't WORK!!!! If you really want to get rid of lice in schools, this should be available everywhere. I hope just one person reads this, tries the comb and passes on what they learned. It really does make a difference and can save hundreds of dollars. Not to mention relieving the stress and frustration of parents everywhere...Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "BULK (100)Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb, Professional Stainless Steel Louse and Nit Comb for Head Lice Treatment, Removes Nits" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from BULK (100)Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb, Professional Stainless Steel Louse and Nit Comb for Head Lice Treatment, Removes Nits ...

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