Pride Go-Chair Travel Power Wheelchair, Blue

Product Feature
- Fits into most trunks in 4 manageable pieces
- Twin motors for traction and precision handling
- Weight capacity: 250 lbs. ; Range: Up to 10 miles
- Ground clearance: 1.75" ; Turning radius: 26.75"
- Length: 30" ; Width: 21"
Product Description
Pride has always been known for their excellent full-sized power wheelchairs and great travel-sized scooters. Now you can have the terrific features of both in the Go-Chair. With an easy-to-remove battery pack and lightweight frame, the Go-Chair is a great choice to get you going.Pride Go-Chair Travel Power Wheelchair, Blue Review
My Go Chair is very maneuverable and moves at controllable speeds well indoors. Not really made as an outdoor mobility chair, it has a simple on-off switch instead of a key and is vehemently placarded against moisture. But indoors, it will turn a circle in its own profile as well as move forwards and backwards with precise control. The operating joystick is a disappointment. It moves through half of its travel before suddenly engaging the motors. That same dead area yet requirement for a light touch is true in steering. It takes some doing to cruise straight ahead and make smooth turns. It comes apart for transport, dividing down to the battery box, the main chassis, the seat and seat pedestal. The average trunk should be able to handle it. The seat doesn't fold down, something the factory should have made it do. It can sit high enough to prevent some trunk lids from closing and end up riding in the car's back seat. It has reasonable power for indoor use all day and all night. But outside where the chair must negotiate various inclines it appears to go through its charge fairly quickly. That is, it will go about 4 or so miles before recharge is necessary. Out on a perfect surface it might get the advertised 20 miles, but not where I live. The chair is comfortable and the armrests can be adjusted as can the chair height. For light indoor duty I could recommend this chair. But for all around use, a more powerful and durable chair might be a better choice. This chair comes in a scooter style with a front steering bar. This is much more attuned to outdoor use while being light weight and breaking down to 4 parts for easy transport. It won't turn as tightly as the joystick model, but it will turn tightly. I have had both versions of the Go Chair and I prefer the joystick indoors and the handlebar outdoors. Too bad I could only have just one!Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Pride Go-Chair Travel Power Wheelchair, Blue" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Pride Go-Chair Travel Power Wheelchair, Blue ...

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