Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Timm Medical Technology Osbon Erecaid Vacuum Therapy System Automatic - Model 1135

Timm Medical Technology Osbon Erecaid Vacuum Therapy System Automatic - Model 1135

Shock Sale Timm Medical Technology Osbon Erecaid Vacuum Therapy System Automatic - Model 1135 very cheapYou looking to find the "Timm Medical Technology Osbon Erecaid Vacuum Therapy System Automatic - Model 1135" Good news! You can purchase Timm Medical Technology Osbon Erecaid Vacuum Therapy System Automatic - Model 1135 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Timm Medical Technology Osbon Erecaid Vacuum Therapy System Automatic - Model 1135 On Sale

Price: $489.70 $489.69   Updated Price for Timm Medical Technology Osbon Erecaid Vacuum Therapy System Automatic - Model 1135 now
Purchase Timm Medical Technology Osbon Erecaid Vacuum Therapy System Automatic - Model 1135 low price

Product Feature

  • Its angled shape fits comfortably in the hand for easy one-hand operation of the pumping mechanism
  • The angle also allows user a clearer view for consistent results
  • The Easy Action��� Ring Applicator slides into position with a single downward motion
  • Includes 4 different size rings, lubricant, user guide and video
  • Lifetime warranty on major components

Product Description

Ideal for those with limited dexterity or seeking ease of use. 3 AA batteries included. Lifetime warranty and 90 day return policy.

Timm Medical Technology Osbon Erecaid Vacuum Therapy System Automatic - Model 1135 Review

The Osbon ErecAid System is a pump and tension ring appliance for men with Erectile Dysfunction. The full system makes it possible for men to use a vacuum pump system to enlarge the penis and then apply a tension ring at the base of the penis. These tension rings then reduce the rate that blood will flow out of the penis and allow for a sustained erection for sexual activity. I recommend you purchase the basic Osbon ErecAid System if you are not a user. I still use the same system after 18 years. I replaced the white hand pump once after I had placed it in water and internal metal parts rusted in the cylinder.

My Urologist prescribed the Osbon ErecAid to me in 1994 when I could attain, but not sustain an erection for intercourse. He also instructed me on its use. At the time he commented, "This is Medical Device, and also a great Sex Toy!" I found out he was right. The Osbon design of the tension ring was believed to be efficient in reducing the flow of blood out of the penis. I have migrated to higher tension ring pressure and the use of two tension rings as I have aged. I have not experienced another type of ring.

Erections of 5 to 20 minutes have been experienced over the years. I prefer to use Cialis (purchased offshore for about $2.20 a tablet) at 20MG before a weekend away. The Cialis allows a more natural arousal and the Osbon System then provides typically 10 minutes of activity.

Using this device requires education and involvement by your sexual partner. The device requires a 5 minute "time-out" to create the erection. It is difficult to leave foreplay after several minutes and go to the bathroom to use the device and return 5 minutes later. I have found that a new sexual partner can become an enthused partner when she has information and participates in its use. First, she needs to be informed that her sexual satisfaction is going to increase using this Sex Toy just as she might with her favorite toy. She will experience a full penis in size and volume from first contact that will last longer than a natural erection. She can enjoy more rapid recovery for a second or third session with you that is fully satisfying and new experiences can be explored. The choice is to determine the sequence of foreplay, foreplay to orgasm, and interactive contact. My experience is that I can stimulate my partner to orgasm(s) at the clitoris before starting intercourse. Then the pause for using the ErecAid and beginning intercourse follows her orgasm.

In other cases or a first date, at the early onset of foreplay you can excuse yourself to use the bathroom and return with an erection for immediate pleasuring. Then mention you have added a ring which will result in increased time to pleasure her. "Shall we start in doggy style because I am so big? We can try your favorite positions too."

Once I found that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) was not necessary to mention, and the benefits of size and endurance were a trade-off for the interruption I found myself meeting more ladies of younger ages who wanted something more. The Osbon ErectAid System is a boost to males and is useful for their full lifetimes.

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Buy Timm Medical Technology Osbon Erecaid Vacuum Therapy System Automatic - Model 1135 Cheap

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