Etymotic ER125-MP9-15-B-A MusicPRO High-Fidelity Electronic Musicians Earplugs

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Price: $357.84 

Product Feature
- Engineered to provide full fidelity for inputs up to 120 dB
- Assortment of ACCU-Fit eartips for good seal and comfortable fit
- 9 or 15-dB protection depending on mode
- Enhancement Mode provides 6-dB amplification
- Flexible neck cord to prevent loss
- Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging
Product Description
Etymotic, your trusted source in high-fidelity hearing protection has created Music-PRO 9-15 electronic earplugs, adaptive noise reduction earplugs that automatically adjust to changing sound levels. Music-PRO 9-15 provide the ultimate in hearing protection. You'll experience natural hearing when sound levels are safe and sound reduction that activates only when needed. From pianissimo to fortissimo, music sounds natural. Music-PRO 9-15 earplugs were designed for musicians who want to hear naturally but need protection from sudden impact noise and loud, sustained passages. They are ideal for directors and music educators, perfoming musicians - especially symphony and jazz, front-of-house crews, entertainment industry support staff, security personnel, and audiences. Music-PRO 9-15 uses adaptive noise reduction technology - the circuitry automatically changes output levels as sound input levels change. Hearing is natural, as if nothing is in the ears, until sound exceeds safe levels. As sound levels increase, earplugs gradually provide 9- or 15-dB sound reduction. Natural hearing is restored when sound returns to safe levels. There's no need to remove your earplugs to hear. Music-PRO earplugs offer two modes of operation. First, Natural Hearing with 15-dB Sound Reduction provides natural hearing until sound exceeds safe levels, then automatically adjusting to 15-dB protection. Or, you can choose Enhanced Hearing mode, which provides 6-dB gain for soft sounds and then automatic 9-dB protection when sound exceeds safe levels. Both modes provide impact sound protection. Music-PRO earphones come ready to use with an assortment of ACCU-Fit ear tips, custom molds are not required. Also included with purchase: flexible neck cord, filter tool and ACCO-filters, cleaning tool, batteries (#312 zinc air), protective case and user manual.
Etymotic ER125-MP9-15-B-A MusicPRO High-Fidelity Electronic Musicians Earplugs Review
I purchased these a few months ago directly from Etymotic. After experiencing their earlier version of the product which was designed for gun blasts, this one seems to do the job pretty well considering the limitations of what can be done in your ear in real time.
Why are they so expensive? They are designed to make it possible to listen to the higher frequencies (above 8Khz) which normal ear plugs would muffle. If this upper range of sound is not important to you, these plugs are overkill. My suggestion, if you are just starting out, is to purchase the Etymotic ER-20 passive ear plugs for about $20. They will produce relatively flat music response and are way better than the foam plugs you stuff in your ears which block out nearly everything. For most scenarios, the ER-20s will protect your hearing and let you enjoy the music around you. They are much cheaper and don't require batteries. However, if you plan on listening to classical music concerts or other music where the higher registers of sound matter to you, you will find that the passive ear plugs can't reproduce the sounds about 8Khz very well. That's when you'll want these plugs.
That being said, these plugs will NOT replicate the sounds above 8Khz as accurately as some very nice in-ear headphones plugged into an iPod playing music. The reason is that they are electronically leveling the sound outside your ear, and as a result, you will hear a lot more "noise" with wind and surrounding sounds when it decides the music is too soft and must turn up the volume for you. This effect is even more pronounced when you flip the little switch on the side to boost the sound volumes when things are very quiet. It's not natural sounding, and for some people this will ruin their enjoyment of the music. I found it an acceptable trade-off to getting my ears blown out with really loud transient sounds.
Another warning - the earplugs come with a variety of ear tips; be sure to try all of them on before passing judgment. The seal with each is very different and the comfort level can vary quite a bit depending on the size an shape of your ear canal. I gave each of them a try for at least 30 minutes before deciding on a flange. In the end, I substituted a set of Shure rubber flanges which fit perfectly and I felt they were the most comfortable even over the ones that Etymotic supplied.
And one last tidbit - the plugs came with a set of Maxell hearing aid batteries. For some reason, the package mine came shipped with all were duds. The plugs worked for about 20 minutes before I started hearing buzzing noises - they did not sound at all like the "low battery warning" sound that the Etymotic documentation describes. I thought the earplugs were malfunctioning. Turns out they were just weak batteries. I bought some fresh ones at my local Target and now the plugs perform wonderfully for hours at a time. But be warned - always carry a spare set of fresh batteries when you go to a concert.
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