Monday, August 12, 2013

Clark Zapper Clark Parasite Zapper Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper (Based on Dr. Clarks Book Cure for all disease)

Clark Zapper Clark Parasite Zapper Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper (Based on Dr. Clarks Book Cure for all disease)

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Clark Zapper Clark Parasite Zapper Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper (Based on Dr. Clarks Book Cure for all disease) On Sale

Price: $250.00   Updated Price for Clark Zapper Clark Parasite Zapper Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper (Based on Dr. Clarks Book Cure for all disease) now
Purchase Clark Zapper Clark Parasite Zapper Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper (Based on Dr. Clarks Book Cure for all disease) low price

Product Feature

  • Based on Hulda Clarks Cure for all cancers and Cure for all diseases
  • Based on Hulda Clarks books
  • Result are not proven and is not FDA approved
  • The picture you see is exactly what is included
  • Results vary from person to person. Might not work for you. No proven data and not FDA approved

Product Description

This is a listing for Zapper based on Hulda Clark Methods and Books. This device has no real clinical studies and the Clark zapper is not FDA approved. Buyer must assume all risks before buying. Results are not scientifically proven. The Clark Zapper is not FDA approved . The Clark Zapper is based on her books, Cure for all disease. Based on Dr. Clarks books, this item might or might not work for you. Dr. Clarks theory is that parasites, virus, bacteria, fungus cause many of todays ailments. To counteract that she has develped a Zapper. The Zapper sends unnoticed and small painless signals inside the body that parasites cannot tolerate and eventually kills them. The Clark Zapper has not been licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration as a medical device for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease. The Clark Zapper can only be sold as an experimental device. If you are pregnant or wearing an electronic pacemaker, please do not experiment with a Clark Zapper. All information is for educational purposes only. Consult a licensed health professional before attempting any self health program. Dr. Hulda Clark defines a Zapper as any unit that generates a positive offset frequency between 10 Hz and 500,000 Hz using a 9-volt battery. For more information on how to build and use a Clark Zapper, please read the books by Dr. Hulda Clark. RESULTS ARE NOT PROVEN AND NOT FDA APPROVE. NO LONG TERM STUDIES.

Clark Zapper Clark Parasite Zapper Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper (Based on Dr. Clarks Book Cure for all disease) Review

Even though i actually read Dr. Clark's books a few years ago, I only write this review in resonse to NEWINOCEAN. In my opinion, research should consist of more than reading what is on Quackwatch, Wikipedia or some other websites. Chapter Three in Lynne McTaggart's book, THE FIELD, is called "Beings of Light". This chapter discusses the work of Fritz-Albert Popp in using light to correct the unhealthy conditions in cancerous cells. He discovered the body produces a weak light (380 nanometers). He also conducted experiments showing that molecules in cells actually responded to specific light frequencies by functioning in a more cohesive and orderly state, i.e., becoming more healthy. Light is energy vibrating at a certain rate. That vibration is measured as a frequency. If the body emits a light (a frequency) and you direct another light (frequency) onto the cells of the body so they can operate at optimal efficiency (healthy state)isn't that what Dr. Clark says she did and you and eveyone else can do? She just doesn't say light, she says zap with a current(a specific frequency). Popp also saw that specific frequencies brought about specific reactions in the cells. That is also what Clark is saying when she tells you which organisms need to be zapped with which frequency. This doesn't absolutely prove Dr. Clark to be right, but it means that I certainly would not dismiss her work. Expecially since one reviewer has had positive and long lasting results and that the traditional medical establishment has a long history of attempting to discredit cures that don't follow the traditional approach to medicine. Please read what is in Chapter 3 of THE FIELD, do some more research using sources that are more open minded than those used by NEWINOCEAN and make a decision based on a more balanced collection of facts. Thanks

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