Saturday, March 12, 2011

Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737

Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737

Shock Sale Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737 very cheapYou looking to find the "Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737" Good news! You can purchase Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737 On Sale

Price: $680.00    Updated Price for Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737 now
Purchase Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737 low price

Product Feature

  • Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen
  • Fountain Pen Broad Point

Product Description

The heavily engraved finish of the

Viceroy Grand Victorian highlights the intricate work of the Yard-O-Led craftsmen with each part of the detailed motif meticulously hammered by hand.

Length: 5 3/4 when closed.

Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737 Review

I've used Mont Blanc fountain pens all my life. I own and use numerous Mont Blanc fountain pens on a daily basis. The sterling silver Yard-O-Led Grand Victorian Fountain Pen is beautiful, has a delightful heft to it reflecting the solid sterling silver (over 2 ounces of silver, if I recall !!) content of the pen. When you consider the cost of a P-L-A-S-T-I-C Mont Blanc and compare it to the beauty of the sterling silver pen and the wonderful flow of the nib and ink when writing with the Yard-O-Led, the choice is clear!

I'll be purchasing more of Yard-O-Led products!

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737 ...

Buy Yard-O-Led Viceroy Grand Victorian Broad Point Fountain Pen - YD-945737 Cheap

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