Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA

Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA

Shock Sale Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA very cheapYou looking to find the "Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA" Good news! You can purchase Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA On Sale

Price: $224.95 $219.95   Updated Price for Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA now
Purchase Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA low price

Product Feature

  • Options: * Case: Black

Product Description

The Maggie-Pro is a sleek, credit card sized electronic magnifier. Depending on your wallet or purse, you can slot a Maggie-Pro in next to your credit card or bank notes. How about slipping one in your pocket? There is no other electronic magnifier like this anywhere. With 3.5 hours of battery time, you could find yourself checking or reading things for days without needing a re-charge. When it is time to re-charge, use any wall socket or even a computer, notebook or anything else with a USB port.

The included overnight charger, slowly and fully charges your battery for extended life or you can be on your way with a partial charge in just minutes. With two bright white LEDs you can see to read in a dimly lit restaurant or even in total darkness. Use the Maggie-Pro as an emergency flashlight too! If you are looking for the next generation of electronic magnifiers, look no further than the Maggie-Pro.

Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA Review

don't waste your money. this magnifier has very poor lighting and imagery distortion on higher magnification. some distortion of image is expected with increase in magnification, but combined with the poor lighting makes this an inferior product. I returned this item and I've been using the Lightwedge Lighted Pocket Magnifier-Black with great results and at 10% ofthe cost of the Maggie.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA ...

Buy Bierley Maggie Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier - White with black buttons - MPRRAMPWKA Cheap

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