Monday, July 4, 2011

Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left

Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left

Shock Sale Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left very cheapYou looking to find the "Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left" Good news! You can purchase Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left On Sale

Price: $699.99    Updated Price for Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left now
Purchase Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left low price

Product Feature

  • Flexible subshell and Adjustable Tibial Strap (ATS) capture the tibia.
  • Features a hand-laminated, carbon composite, rigid frame construction.
  • Total Support System for ACL, MCL, LCL, PCL, rotary and combined instabilities.
  • Interior buckles for a more streamlined, lower profile.

Product Description

The CTi Carbon Fiber Ligament Knee Brace technology is indicated for mild to severe ACL instabilities, ACL reconstructions, ACL deficiencies, hyperextension, and for prophylactic use.

Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left Review

I got this knee brace to do a week of "old guy" snowboarding after a nagging meniscus tear that is a pain whenever I forget and pivot on my left knee. It performed very well, is light and I usually forgot I had it on. Even felt confident on a few mogul runs each day.

Only two complaints - If the upper and lower strap sets were a little better spaced I think it would create less strap tension when it limits extension. I got pretty sore by the end of the day from the middle two straps. But this was way better than pain and limping about for the next two months. The other was that it was pretty hard to determine which features (brace and snow kit) were made with neoprene based materials. Eventually I got in contact with the right guy at Ossur and found that I couldn't use most of the snow kit and a couple other unimportant parts due to my neoprene allergy. But none of these were essential for snowboarding.

I'm pleased with it and wear it whenever I've got a day's activity that puts my knee at risk.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left ...

Buy Ossur Cti Ligament Knee Brace Medium Left Cheap

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