Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches)

Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches)

Shock Sale Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches) very cheapYou looking to find the "Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches)" Good news! You can purchase Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches) On Sale

Price: $220.00   Updated Price for Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches) now
Purchase Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches) low price

Product Feature

  • Indian Remy Kinky Curly Hair
  • 3A Quality Remy Human Hair
  • Baby hair and bleached knots around perimeter
  • 130% hair density
  • Swiss lace
  • Medium wig cap

Product Description

Made with a tight curl pattern to emulate afro/kinky hair. Now, you can flat iron this hair for a straight look, but it's a lot of work, wear it as it is and love every minute of it. We've tested our kinky curl and it's manageable with quality conditioners, keeping the hair moisturized, with minimal need for curl control products (although that differs depending on your climate). It's a great, fun style for someone looking for a believably natural look!

Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches) Review

Just received this wig and I must say I am a bit disappointed. While the hair is soft, there was no instructions and no tag on it. It did not look like a new wig, but a wig that has been worn. The wig smells like smoke and it came with no washing instructions one usually gets with new wigs. I spent a lot of money on this wig and expected better. I wanted to return it but I did not want to deal with the hassle. I am going to try to wash it and hope the smell will go away. Otherwise, I will consider this a bad investment and lesson learned.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches) ...

Buy Indian Remy Kinky Curly Lace Front Human Hair Wig (22 inches) Cheap

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