Saturday, April 7, 2012

Go Go Elite Traveller Long Range LR 3 Wheel Scooter

Go Go Elite Traveller Long Range LR 3 Wheel Scooter

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Go Go Elite Traveller Long Range LR 3 Wheel Scooter On Sale

Price: $899.00    Updated Price for Go Go Elite Traveller Long Range LR 3 Wheel Scooter now
Purchase Go Go Elite Traveller Long Range LR 3 Wheel Scooter low price

Product Feature

  • # 1 hand, feather touch disassembly
  • Long range battery pack: 10-15 miles per charge
  • Comes with 3 body colors: Red, Blue, Silver
  • Comfortable, stadium style seat is padded and swivels
  • 1 year in-home service FREE!

Product Description

The Go-Go Elite Traveller is the best value travel scooter with an optional 18 AH battery choice for up to 15 miles of range per battery charge. The heaviest piece is 28 lbs. , and it is exceptionally easy to disassemble and reassemble. It also provides 3 replaceable sets of plastic color panels, in red, blue, and silver so you can change your scooter color whenever you like.

Go Go Elite Traveller Long Range LR 3 Wheel Scooter Review

Took the new scoot out for my first long trip today. Returned a gallon of paint to Home Depot (2 1/2 miles) I knew it was gonna be a loooong trip. The paint can just fit in the front basket, so that was a bonus. Load on the scoot was about 180 lbs total.

Since I got the extended range LR, I figured I'd see how this little guy would do. First of all, range was not even a consideration. I live in a hilly area and the scoot made it easily up and down with no problems. In fact, the battery indicator never came off of full charge, which makes me doubt how well it works! After five miles up and down hills over two hours of riding, it should have "indicated" that I had used a substantial amount of the charge, but it showed full. I didn't like the LED indicator at all. My guess it that it'll show full charge until it's almost dead. That's not a good way to build trust! It was hard to read at various times and lighting conditions/angles. My old scoot had an analog gauge, which worked better.

This thing rides like a truck! Not sure why, but my older, cheaper scooter had a nicer ride. This one will really make you slow down if you're not on a fairly smooth surface. I'm thinking maybe a memory foam pad for the seating area.

It also has a bit less foot room than my other scooter. It's pretty cramped if you're 6 ft. I know it's a travel scooter, but another inch or inch and a half in the foot area would really help. Maybe some fold-out "highway" pegs like on choppers would work. I had to put the "tiller" farther forward than I'd like, to keep the basket from hitting my knees all the time.

I had problems with the throttle paddles. The way they are tucked-in under the gauge area is probably a safety feature, but it made it really difficult to keep my thumb on the throttle. The old ones were open and I could just lay my whole hand on them. I'll have to figure out some way to extend them. Also, with the tiller forward, they are at an angle to how my thumbs rest on them and so not very comfortable.

The tires really pick up a lot of dirt and hold it in the little treads. This makes going outside and back into the house kinda messy.

Ground clearance is an issue. It's decent, but a couple times I had to go off the sidewalk into the street to avoid non-paved areas. I did manage to make it up a driveway crossing that had at least a 1 1/2" lip on it. I mean, it's not gonna jump a curb, but you could get over a 2x4.

All-in-all, with the long range batteries, it'll go WAY farther than you want to ride it. It'll get you there and back. I want to use it for errands like grocery shopping, etc. Based on the trips I've done, I'd trust it to do an eight mile total trip.

I'm gonna make my own rear basket as the ones they sell seem kinda cheap, but are very expensive. I decided on the Wald 157 Front Giant Delivery Bicycle Basket and will make my own connecting bracket with the square tubing I picked up at Home Depot. The front basket is really too small to be useful and it hits my knees when I make sharp turns.

This is a decent scooter. It'll need some mods to suit my longer frame and particular disabilities. In the meantime, it seems like it'll get the job done, though not at the comfort level I'd like. For the price, it'd be hard to beat. Portability is the big deal here. I can take this with me when my SO wants to go to the outlet mall. I can load it into the car by myself (but just barely). The LR batteries weigh 33 lbs and the handle on them is not great.

Next: let's see how it holds up over time!
UPDATE: Well I'm 8 months out and the batteries are basically fried. Won't hold a significant charge. Range now less than 3 miles on flat ground. I use the scooter about 3-5 miles a week. most trips in the 1-3 mile range. Fully recharge after each use. Basically got 150 miles from the batteries and they want $225 for new batteries, so this guy costs over $1 a mile to operate. Way cheaper to take the car! Carrier basket worked out great and was using the scoot to do grocery shopping for a few months, but can't make it to the store and back anymore. Really disappointing...

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