Blissborn Homestudy Program: Complete Natural Childbirth Education

Product Feature
- Detailed, comprehensive instructions to guide you every step of the way
- 250-page manual * 5 Class CDs (Each audio class is 45 minutes to an hour long)
- 6 Hypnosis Practice CDs for daily use * The Blissborn Movie
- 3 Clothespins (for practicing your pain-relief techniques)
- Access to helpful handouts online * Access to personal advice and answers from Blissborn's founders, Shelley Ross Black and Laura Ross Wood * Fun extras: Your very own fancy Blissborn pen and a handy-dandy shopping bag!
Product Description
You want a calm, natural birth. You know that with the right support, you're capable...but you're nervous about pain or losing control in labor. Imagine this:Before labor starts, you're excited, prepared and confident.
When labor starts you feel relaxed and deeply connected to your partner.
As labor progresses you often look like you're sleeping, but you're not -- you are in control, present, and deeply relaxed.
Your muscles work together efficiently. You are mostly comfortable and you feel calm. You open your eyes and move around and smile and rest. It's hard work, but in less than 5 hours of active labor, your baby is born calm and alert and healthy.
You feel empowered, proud and connected.
This is a typical Blissborn labor. More than 85% of our moms give birth naturally in less than five hours.
The program includes:
Parent Manual (250 pages) - This manual is your in-class workbook, your homework and your guide to labor and birth, all rolled into one! See the Blissborn website for samples.
5 audio classes - Guide you every step of the way. You'll learn about your mind and body, partner skills, fear release, pain control and lots more. It's all about tools and knowledge.
6 practice CDs - Every day, you'll go into your own state of deep relaxation, and you'll learn how to return to it instantly. You can open your eyes and move around. It even works for people who have trouble meditating!
The Blissborn DVD - Seeing is believing! See what peaceful labor and birth are all about!
Support and advice direct from Blissborn's founders.
If you want a calmer and easier natural labor and birth, Blissborn is your best bet. This is the only class you'll need!
Blissborn Homestudy Program: Complete Natural Childbirth Education Review
I would highly recommend Blissborn! When I first learned about using hypnosis for childbirth, my research first led me to Hypnobabies. I completed the home study course only to learn that my birth center was introducing Blissborn as part of their provided services. I had been experiencing some frustrations with Hypnobabies, namely the tone of their work books seemed defensive and unprofessional setting me up to feel like it was me against the world in my decision to use hypnosis. I also started to become uncomfortable with some of their hypnosis techniques including the requirement that you cannot move while you're under (this was extremely irritating for me as I have restless leg syndrome and sometimes you just need to scratch or adjust to get comfortable.) I also did not like that they expect you to never use certain words when talking about labor like "labor" or "contractions". This is just confusing for your health care provider and I felt pretentious saying the substitute words they suggested.Needless to say I was ready to try something new. When my husband and I took the Blissborn course it was a world of difference. The information was well organized and thorough. I also very much appreciated the positive and scientific nature of the information presented by Blissborn and it allowed me to modify the techniques to suit what worked for me, not the other way around. We addressed fears and practiced pain management techniques that gave me confidence in myself and my ability to have the labor I've been hoping for. Blissborn also has a strong emphasis on the partner's role in birth which I feel brought my husband and I closer to each other and our unborn baby girl. I came to really look forward to our practice sessions and it gave us an excuse to imagine what our new life is going to be like as a family.
You will get your money's worth with Blissborn. I feel like I have a new skill that I will use for the rest of my life and a positive, optimistic outlook on birth and caring for my baby. I don't think you can put a price tag on that.
**A word of caution: there is a community group on Babycenter called "Hypnosis for Childbirth." I went to this group for feedback and support with my original concerns with Hypnobabies. I was so startled by the extensive comment I received from my post that it led me to do a little investigative research. I discovered that this group is actually moderated by a Hypnobabies staff member. The information is highly biased and should be regarded as such.
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