Wednesday, April 10, 2013

DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose)

DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose)

Shock Sale DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose) very cheapYou looking to find the "DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose)" Good news! You can purchase DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose) On Sale

Price: $290.40   Updated Price for DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose) now
Purchase DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose) low price

Product Feature

  • Sustained cold therapy for up to 7 hours.
  • Helps reduce pain, swelling and facilitates rehabilitation.
  • Patented semi-closed loop system to maintain a more constant and accurate temperature.
  • Two position locking top.
  • Compatibility with a variety of pads.

Product Description

The DonJoy Iceman Cold Therapy Unit is a motorized device integrating a patented semi-closed loop system.The DonJoy Iceman provides up to 7 hours of continuous cold therapy for a variety of indications. Using a patented semi-closed loop system, the Iceman maintains a more constant and accurate temperature than competitor's systems.

DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose) Review

I purchased one of these about 15 months ago. It turned out to be one of the best purchases I have ever made. I am on my 12th surgery in 15 months and am curled up with it as I type. It has been the best pain relief available. I had a shoulder surgery without it and did not sleep for 5 full days and that was with a LOT of oxycodone. The second shoulder surgery which was much more involved including hardware I actually slept the first night, not a lot but I did sleep. I bought a bathroom fan timer switch to control the time it is on. With store bought commercial "pressed ice" it requires ice replacement at about 18 hours. Using ice from our ice maker in the freezer the ice will last about 24 hours. That is with pretty much constant use at 20 minutes on then 20 minutes off. The unit has a control or thermostat whereby the temp of the cold pad can be adjusted. The unit is fairly small and easy to handle. It is pretty comparable to the personal sized coolers. The "cord" between the cooler and the pad including the pad "cord" is roughly 5 feet long. I would and have recommended this to friends for after surgical care. Thank you Donjoy!!

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose) ...

Buy DJO-11-9098 IceMan w/ Shoulder Wrap-On (loop), Non-Sterile, RH(Regular Hose) Cheap

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