Tuesday, April 23, 2013

SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control

SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control

Shock Sale SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control very cheapYou looking to find the "SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control" Good news! You can purchase SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control On Sale

Price: $3,095.00    Updated Price for SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control now
Purchase SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control low price

Product Feature

  • Read faster and longer with ease and comfort!
  • Progressive Image improves view of text in movement
  • Great for reading novels, newspapers, food packaging, medication bottlesand more
  • Optimized to display a brighter and smoother high-quality image for all types of materials
  • Magnification: 3.7x - 75x

Product Description

Designed for people with macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy or any other low vision eye condition, the SmartView Synergy PI features a progressive camera that improves text in movement, providing a stable image without lag, distortion or flicker. The user can read faster and longer with ease and comfort. This new Synergy model has been optimized to display a brighter and smoother high-quality image for all types of materials: from reading a newspaper and viewing photographs, to checking the ingredients on packaged goods to reading mail.

SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control Review

My husband, who suffers from macular degeneration, was struggling to read with hand held magnifiers. This is a God send. I'm now looking for a rolling heavy duty table on which to set the Smartview.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control ...

Buy SmartView Synergy PI 23” video magnifier with advanced control Cheap

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