Atos Medical TheraBite Jaw Motion Rehabilitation System, Adult

Product Feature
- Stretches the jaw and mouth
- Maximizes your jaw range-of-motion
- Nourishes joint tissues
- Treats and prevents stiffness and scar tissue.
- HCPCS (CPT) Code: E1700
Product Description
The TheraBite Rehab System is a hand operated device that provides a simple option for jaw hypomobility and dysfunction. The TheraBite device successfully alleviates trismus from cancer, trauma, TMJD, facial burns, and stroke.The Standard Version generally fits Adults and Children over 10-years-old. (4.8mm across.) The Pediatric Version is for users under 10-years-old. (3.1mm across).
The TheraBite Rehabilitation System is a handheld unit designed to stretch a user's jaw to treat trismus, dysfunction and hypomobility. The device uses passive motion to stretch the user's jaw, joint and facial tissues for increased mobility, flexibility, and function.
The TheraBite device provides a curved, anatomically correct stretch for patients to treat or rehabilitate their jaw and temporomandibular joint. The TheraBite system can be used for stretching, passive motion, and muscle strengthening. By utilizing the TheraBite system, a user can increase their range-of-motion, improve their jaw and joint function, and reduce swelling and pain.
The TheraBite device is a single-user item and cannot be returned after opening.
Atos Medical TheraBite Jaw Motion Rehabilitation System, Adult Review
I bought it to my maid, to use it after jaw cirurgy, by prescription of her brazilian physician.Good idea and extremely simple.
I was astonished of its price. Too much. Maybe it got patents enough, and I don't know why this simple thing would have it.
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