Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Kneeler - Kneeler

The Kneeler - Kneeler

Shock Sale The Kneeler - Kneeler very cheapYou looking to find the "The Kneeler - Kneeler" Good news! You can purchase The Kneeler - Kneeler with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

The Kneeler - Kneeler On Sale

Price: $248.35 $247.10   Updated Price for The Kneeler - Kneeler now
Purchase The Kneeler - Kneeler low price

Product Feature

  • Model No.:-565604
  • his Listing Is For The Kneeler Only.
  • Size-8" x 8.5" x 8.5". 300 lbs weight capacity
  • Walker sold separately.
  • This item may differ from the image shown. This item may be a replacement or optional part for the image shown,or differ in model,color, etc. Please review the title and features carefully.

Product Description

(SEE AVAILABILITY ABOVE FOR ESTIMATED DELIVERY) - The Kneeler - Kneeler - The Kneeler - Designed to attach to any make or model of walker & is ideal for patients requiring total non - weight bearing from the knee down who would like to maintain functionally independent. 300 lbs weight capacity. 8" x 8.5" x 8.5". - Rolyan products are internationally licensed & manufactured for home & clinical use. Most of their products offer a lifetime warranty.

The Kneeler - Kneeler Review

GThe Kneeler works well. It allows me to get around with my broken ankle far more easily than a walker alone. It did require some taping to keep it together, as it tends to slip out of place on the walker and the brace cracked. Still this is a minor problem and I do recommend this product as a solution for people who need a walker and can only use one foot due to injury.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "The Kneeler - Kneeler" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from The Kneeler - Kneeler ...

Buy The Kneeler - Kneeler Cheap

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