Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100

Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100

Shock Sale Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100 very cheapYou looking to find the "Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100" Good news! You can purchase Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100 On Sale

Price: $1,294.99    Updated Price for Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100 now
Purchase Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100 low price

Product Feature

  • Just turn the knob and experience 15 to 30 minutes of Dis Hydration and Decompressive Shaping.
  • Advanced Pneumatic Micro Electronics Allow Easy Operation of Six Individual Programs.
  • The Most Advanced Decompression, Disc Hydration, and Spinal Shaping Machine Available.
  • Nothing works like Expanding Ellipsoidal Decompression (EED).
  • Due to health and hygiene reasons this product is not returnable.

Product Description

Posture Pump Spine Trainer - New Deluxe Full-Spine Posture Pump Posture Pump carefully lifts, separates and mobilizes the neck and back joints in a new way that traction, roller tables, massage units, vibrators, special pillows and regular exercise cannot. Unique expanding air cells angled into the spine activate the bellows or sponge-like function of the discs, producing a warm relaxed feeling through the neck and back. This patented action reinforces the spine's natural shape and promotes joint imbibition, joint nutrition, flexibility and correct posture. Model 4100 is the best of Models 1000 and 2000 combined!

Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100 Review

I tried it three days after I received it. I used both functions; neck and the lower back. I observed two things:

1. My back felt so good after 3 sessions of 45 minutes each, what disappointed me is that the machine doesn't do any waist rocking as indicated in the leaflet. Well, it did help even though the usual pain I feel radiating from the lower back down in the right leg is still a pest. But hey, this is just too early to say anything such about its effectiveness!

2. I tried it on my neck and I had a sore neck the whole day. Should I try it on my neck again?? Not right now, but I will.

Briefly, I would say" Thumb Up!!

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100 ...

Buy Posture Pump Electronic Disc Hydrator 6100 Cheap

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