Sunday, February 27, 2011

American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics 16 oz ( Multi-Pack)

American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics 16 oz ( Multi-Pack)

Shock Sale American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics 16 oz ( Multi-Pack) very cheapYou looking to find the "American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics 16 oz ( Multi-Pack)" Good news! You can purchase American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics 16 oz ( Multi-Pack) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics 16 oz ( Multi-Pack) On Sale

Price: $293.05 $279.04   Updated Price for American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics 16 oz ( Multi-Pack) now
Purchase American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics 16 oz ( Multi-Pack) low price

Product Feature

  • MULTI VALUE 12-PACK! You are buying TWELVE of Silver Biotics , 16 oz
  • Quantity: MULTI VALUE PACK! You are buying Description: SILVER BIOTICS Unit Size: 16 OZ Brand: AMERICAN BIOTECH LABS

Product Description


American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics 16 oz ( Multi-Pack) Review

Since 1999 I have had chronic bronchitis with COPD which included increasingly frequent "attacks" that would only respond to treatments that included injections of antibiotics and steroids. Sinus and ear infections have also been big problems. Of course, bronchitis always followed a sinus infection. I have long believed that bacterias and viruses are not the only causes of these and other recurring "infections". About eight months ago I convinced my doctor to treat one of my flare-ups with anti-fungus/anti-yeast medications along with the usual treatments, and it cleared up faster and did not come back so soon. He agreed that my theory was correct. I know that Colloidal Silver helps control all of these microbials. Sooo! My search for the best "Silver" began. I tried American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics formula and was pleased to feel an improvement. I now have fewer and less severe flare-ups that require fewer treatments with steroid and antibiotic injections. Since I take my "Silver" every day, I continue to see improvements. Just think of all the other conditions we have going on that are also subject to improvements{like Cancer}.

I Like It! Glenda

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Buy American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics 16 oz ( Multi-Pack) Cheap

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