Monday, February 14, 2011

BioWorld Odor Neutralizer - Commercial Concentrate (4 x 1 Gallon) Size 4x1 gal

BioWorld Odor Neutralizer - Commercial Concentrate (4 x 1 Gallon) Size 4x1 gal

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BioWorld Odor Neutralizer - Commercial Concentrate (4 x 1 Gallon) Size 4x1 gal On Sale

Price: $352.00    Updated Price for BioWorld Odor Neutralizer - Commercial Concentrate (4 x 1 Gallon) Size 4x1 gal now
Purchase BioWorld Odor Neutralizer - Commercial Concentrate (4 x 1 Gallon) Size 4x1 gal low price

Product Feature

  • Case of 4 Gallons

Product Description

BioWorld Odor Neutralizer (BON) Commercial Concentrate (formally BON-CC-41) is a liquid formulation that eliminates offensive odors at the source. While many products only mask odors with strong scents, BioWorld Odor Neutralizer actually neutralizes unpleasant odors making them undetectable to our sense of smell. BON Concentrate can be added to paint, chemicals and wastewater or diluted and used in foggers or industrial misting systems. BON is environmentally safe, non-hazardous, non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-flammable, and non-pathogenic. Removes odors from Smoke, Skunk, Pets, Garbage, Urine, Compost, Sports Gear, Decomposition and many others. BON must be diluted before use. 6 to 12 ounces per gallon of water based on strength of odor. Mix with distilled or purified water for best results. Paint - 4 ounces per gallon of paint. Laundry - 2 ounces per load. Carpet or Hard Floors - 12 ounces per gallon carpet shampoo or mop water. Most effective when applied with a fogger (Also available from BioWorld). Ingredients: Water, Alkyl Polyglycoside, Proprietary plant-based essential oil formulation, Cetylpyridinium Chloride, Mint added. When diluted, less than $10 a gallon!

BioWorld Odor Neutralizer - Commercial Concentrate (4 x 1 Gallon) Size 4x1 gal Review

Three days ago, my husband let the dog out for the night at about 11 PM. I hear a small commotion outside, then the next thing I know, the dog has run into the house, rubbing her face on the carpet near my feet. An instant later, the smell hits me - the nastiest, brunt rubber, garlic, formaldehyde combo I have ever experienced. It made me, my husband, and the dog gag uncontrollably. The poor, stupid pooch got too close to a skunk and got hit right between the eyes! And us stupid owners took her into the bathroom to wash her instead of back outside. Dumb, dumb, dumb. We got some of the smell off the dog, but she still stunk to high heaven - and the entire house soaked up the smell in the meantime. Every piece of upholstered furniture, every piece of clothing (even the ones in closed closets and drawers!), all the towels, carpets, curtains, pillows, and rugs, even the dishes and plastic containers in the kitchen - EVERYTHING smelled like skunk spray.

In a panic I start trying to find a solution on the Internet, and came across this product. I ordered two 1-liter bottles for next day delivery. While waiting for it to arrive, I used all the home remedies I had on hand: coffee grounds, vinegar in bowls around the house, baking soda, Febreeze and other air fresheners. Nothing brought us relief; they only masked odors for a short period. My husband even came home early from work because his coworkers couldn't stand the smell of his clothes and briefcase. So embarrassing!

When this BioWorld product arrived, we were desperate for a solution. And amazingly, this unassuming little product delivers. It doesn't just mask odors, it eliminates them and works quickly. It comes in a concentrated solution, and you can use water to make a solution or add it to your other cleaning products. I added it to all my laundry loads (I think I am on my 20th load of laundry in 3 days!) and to the carpet shampoo before cleaning the carpets and couches with a steam cleaner I rented. I used it in a spray bottle with water to spray directly into the air and washed everything down in the kitchen, even hard surfaces. Also used it on the dog to get out the rest of the smell - it is safe to use on pets, even on doggie faces (I used a washcloth, careful to avoid the eyes). I even put some in the shampoo and body wash we humans in the house use to get the skunk funk off our hair and skin. This thing works wonders. I still catch a small whiff of skunk here and there in the air, but this product made things 100 times more bearable. (Opening the windows and letting a stiff breeze in the house works to get out a lot of the lingering smell in the air.)

Skunk spray in the home is a living nightmare - I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. This BioWorld Odor Neutralizer has been the only thing that has helped us regain our sanity and finally get back to feeling normal again. I recommend it 100 percent. I plan on ordering more to keep on hand for the next time the dog is sprayed (I love my dog, but brilliant she is not). For anyone out there who is experiencing a similar crisis, I feel for you. Get this product and wash everything in your house in it. It will work and you'll get through it!

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Buy BioWorld Odor Neutralizer - Commercial Concentrate (4 x 1 Gallon) Size 4x1 gal Cheap

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