Black Seed Oil - 32 Fl oz (Pack of 4)

Product Feature
- Dietary Supplement
- 100% Pure Cold-Pressed Black Seed Oil
- Solvent Free. Alcohol Free
- 100% Pure Guaranteed!
- Gluten Free
Product Description
Amazing Herbs Premium Cold-Pressed Black Seed Oil is a rich source of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) and offers many nutritional benefits for good health.Black Seed Oil - 32 Fl oz (Pack of 4) Review
I love this black seed oil. I was kinda hesitant with my first order but after using it for a couple of days I notice I could breathe, even take a deep breath without coughing sense I have asthma and this is my worse time of year. I also notice that I sleep like a baby, noticed that right away. It could be all in my head but I definitely am getting my sex life back again and at 66 I was beginning to think the feelings were just gone. When a friend told me it cures everything except death I thought she was joking but I just ordered another bottle and the capsules too ;-) Also I tried ordering it here in town and save the s/h charges but I had paid @ $16.00 to Amazon for an 8oz bottle and the 2 health food stores I called each wanted over $20.00 for just a 4oz bottle. Be aware, it's pungent but I always take a tsp. of the oil followed by another juice and I don't ever really taste the oil. Love it, it worked so well I even bought to book about it.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Black Seed Oil - 32 Fl oz (Pack of 4)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Black Seed Oil - 32 Fl oz (Pack of 4) ...

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