Saturday, July 14, 2012

Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised

Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised

Shock Sale Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised very cheapYou looking to find the "Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised" Good news! You can purchase Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised On Sale

Price: $549.00    Updated Price for Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised now
Purchase Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised low price

Product Feature

  • Electrical system
  • Standard premium size hot iron storage compartment
  • Raised maple door
  • Includes ironing board cover and pad
  • Fully assembled and ready to install

Product Description

Compact and easy to fit in any laundry area, bedroom or bathroom, the IRON-A-WAY Deluxe Ironing Center has a 42-inch ventilated board in gray with a 4-inch vertical adjustment and a spring 90 degree left/right swivel. It also has a place for hot iron storage, an electrical cord wrap and restraints, a built-in safety switch and an additional storage shelf. Additional features include a 60 minute silent timer, garment hook and an ironing board cover and pad. It comes fully assembled with an unfinished flush Birch door. About Iron-A-Way Since 1956 Iron-A-Way has been making the tiresome task of ironing your clothes much simpler with its quality built-in hide-away ironing boards. Designed to meet any homeowner’s needs, Iron-A-Way’s expertly crafted built-in ironing centers provide innovative features that are neatly tucked out of sight. These ironing centers are built with unmatched qualities and performance proven features that have not only improved ironing convenience, but have redefined the old fashion way of ironing. With Iron-A-Way you just open the door, lower the ironing board, and you're ready to get rid of those wrinkles. Spring activated, ventilated metal board in gray. 90 degrees left or right swivel and 4-inch adjustable height. Work light, electrical receptacle, and auto disconnect switch. Available in a variety of door configurations. Dimensions: 47.875L x 15W x 7.75H in..

Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised Review

I purchased this unit locally and had it installed while building our new home a little over a year ago. I iron frequently so was excited to have this center placed in the utility room where it would be conveniently used, though you might also place it in a large, walk-in closet. It is an attractive, well-built unit and outfitted with a spot light on a one-hour timer (so you can keep track of the hours you spend ironing), an aluminum lined area to store an iron, an outlet and cord retainer, a clothes hook, and an adjustable-height, swivel, ironing board with pad and cover. The door is on a piano hinge, which holds it firmly, and it swings easily. With mine, we painted the exterior areas to match our door trim. It looks very nice and performs well.

My only complaint would be about the size of the ironing board. I iron a lot of my husband's work shirts and pants and I confess that I miss the space afforded with the full-size board I used to use. But, I've learned how to place the clothes to iron them most efficiently and traded the board space for the aggravation of lugging it around and the closet space required to store it when not in use.

Besides the overall convenience, my most-favorite features of this ironing center are that it has two heights to choose from and that it swivels 90 degrees right or left. I'm glad that we had it professionally installed as the electrical hookup was required and I feel comfortable that it is anchored well. I use it very often, not only to iron, but to hang clothes on the door hook as I remove them from the dryer. It's a bit of an upfront expense, but if it's something you are considering, I would recommend it.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised ...

Buy Iron-A-Way A427AU A-42 Ironing Center with Swivel Board, Maple Raised Cheap

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