Thursday, July 12, 2012

Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit

Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit

Shock Sale Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit very cheapYou looking to find the "Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit" Good news! You can purchase Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit On Sale

Price: $311.03    Updated Price for Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit now
Purchase Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit low price

Product Feature

  • Each vial contains 100s of pellets and doses
  • Packaged in sturdy plastic cases, great for home or travel
  • Outside label lists the included remedies alphabetically
  • Each vial is clearly marked on the cap and side
  • Includes an informational pamphlet that gives an approach to finding the remedy needed

Product Description

This Top 100 Remedies Kit includes Washington Homeopathic Products (WHP)'s best 100 selling remedies, packaged neatly together in a sturdy plastic case, great for home or travel. The outside label lists the included remedies alphabetically. Each vial is clearly marked on the cap and side. This kit also includes a Quick Reference Guide informational pamphlet that gives an approach to finding the remedy needed.

Contains 100 Remedies in 1/2 Dram Vials (100s of doses):

30C: Aconitum Nap, Aesculus Hipp, Agaricus Musc, Allium Cepa, Aloe Socotrina, Anacard Orient, Antimon Crud, Antimon Tart, Apis Mel, Argentum Nit, Arnica Montana, Arsenicum Alb, Baptisia Tinctoria, Belladonna, Bellis Per, Berberis Vulg, Bryonia Alba, Cactus Grand, Calcarea Carb, Calcarea Fluor, Calcarea Phos, Calcarea Sulph, Calendula Off, Cantharis, Carbo Vegetabilis, Caulophyllum Thal, Causticum, Chamomilla, Cimicifuga Race, Cinchona Off, Cocculus Ind, Coffea Cruda, Colocynthis, Conium Mac, Cuprum Met, Digitalis Purp, Drosera Rotund, Echinacea Ang, Eupatorium Perf, Euphrasia Off, Ferrum Phos, Gelsemium Semp, Glonoinum, Graphites, Hamamelis Virg, Hepar Sulph Calc, Hypericum Perf, Ignatia Amara, Ipecacuanha, Kali Bich, Kali Carb, Kali Mur, Kali Phos, Lac Caninum, Lachesis Mutus, Ledum Pal, Lycopodium Clav, Magnesia Phos, Mercurius Corr, Merc Viv, Natrum Mur, Natrum Phos, Nat Sulphuricum, Nux Vomica, Petroleum, Phosphoricum Acidum, Phosphoru, Phytolacca Dec, Podophyllum Pelt, Pulsatilla, Pyrogenium, Rhus Tox, Rumex Crispus, Ruta Grav, Sabadilla, Sabina, Sanguinaria Can, Sarsaparilla, Secale Corn, Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia Anth, Spongia Tosta, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Symphytum Off, Thuja Occidentalis, Urtica Urens, Valeriana Off, Veratrum Album, Zincum Met
200C: Aconitum Nap, Apis Mel, Arnica Montana, Arsenicum Alb, Belladonna, Cantharis, Carbo Vegetabilis, Chamomilla, Hypericum Perf

Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit Review

I purchased this kit and have used it for myself, husband and daughter on many occasions. Yes, as mentioned by other reviewers, the individual pellets are small, but a little goes a long way - you only need to take a few pellets (3 - 5) so their small size makes the vials last a long time. And yes, the vials are small, but each vial holds many, many doses due to the small pellet size. I was suffering from multiple allergies & sensitivities due to chemical & mold exposure in my home, and the larger homeopathic pellets from other companies made my tongue and throat swell up..... these smaller pellets did not bother me a bit. I am a big fan of this Top 100 remedies kit! Remedies for such a wide variety of issues, always ready at hand when you need them.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit ...

Buy Washington Homeopathic Products Top 100 Remedies Kit Cheap

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