Friday, January 4, 2013

DIM- Plus Estrogen Metabolism Formula 120 Capsules 12PACK [Health and Beauty]

DIM- Plus Estrogen Metabolism Formula 120 Capsules 12PACK [Health and Beauty]

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DIM- Plus Estrogen Metabolism Formula 120 Capsules 12PACK [Health and Beauty] On Sale

Price: $204.00    Updated Price for DIM- Plus Estrogen Metabolism Formula 120 Capsules 12PACK [Health and Beauty] now
Purchase DIM- Plus Estrogen Metabolism Formula 120 Capsules 12PACK [Health and Beauty] low price

Product Feature

  • MULTI VALUE 12-PACK! You are buying TWELVE of Dim Plus, 120 cap
  • Quantity: MULTI VALUE PACK! You are buying Description: DIM PLUS Unit Size: 120 CAP Brand: NATURE'S WAY

Product Description

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DIM- Plus Estrogen Metabolism Formula 120 Capsules 12PACK [Health and Beauty] Review

This supplement (along with Calcium D glucarate) cleared my severe adult acne. I did 2 rounds of accutane, 15 years ago, and my acne returned about 5 years after accutane. I thought acne was something I would just have to live with. Now, 35 years old, my acne was at its worst, by far. Before jumping back in for another round of accutane (which I'm sure my body wouldn't be able to tolerate at this age) I researched for alternatives online. led me to DIM plus about 3 months ago. Within 2 days of taking this supplement (along with the Calcium D Glucarate as I mentioned) my acne began to subside. After 2 weeks, I had not seen one new pimple, cyst or zit. I was DUMBFOUNDED but excited. My skin changed texture & tone as well. No longer irritated, red & oily. The post inflammatory hyperpigmentation & scars began to fade rapidly as well. After 3 months of consistent use, I am elated to report that my skin is clear & 99% acne free! I still get the occasional blemish, but it's nothing in comparison to 3 my skin problems 3 months ago! I highly recommend trying DIM plus, you have nothing to lose except a few bucks and more than likely, your acne! I am over the moon about this & cannot say enough... Do your research & TRY IT!
**UPDATE, July 13, 2013** I've cut out the Calcium D Glucarate and increased my DIM to 4 caps daily and my skin is still 99% clear! I would say 100% clear, but I still get the occasional pimple, which goes away within 24-48 hrs, whereas before, a pimple would become a cyst and stick around for 2-4 weeks, leaving a nasty red mark that would remain for months. The red marks from old blemishes are ALL gone, rolling scars from 20+ years of acne are smoothed out. I cannot praise DIM enough! Happy days for this lady!

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