Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary

Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary

Shock Sale Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary very cheapYou looking to find the "Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary" Good news! You can purchase Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary On Sale

Price: $561.99   Updated Price for Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary now
Purchase Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary low price

Product Feature

  • Snap-locks for use and releases to dump or carry
  • 25-Inch aluminum handle
  • 12-Inch width

Product Description


Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary Review

It arived intact and in a reasonble time frame. I bought it to sweep up lawns debris. A normal dust pan just doesn't cut it. With this item, I can get the task done far more eficiantly with no bending. Im 6 foot tall, I would prefer the handle be longer and the black hinge part be made of metal. I'm thinking if this product is going to fail, it will most likely be the black hinge part. It comes with some kind of clip, I'm thinking this is for a matching broom? If a matching broom exsists, I would like to try that as well. Over all I like it. I've seen similar units that seem to be better and stroger quality but I could not locate the source. Comercial landscapers use them, thats where I got the idea to start useing one. Don't misunderstand, this unit should last. I rated it 4 out of 5 becuase I would like a matching clip on broom and the quality of the material is more for home use than commercial. Of course my guess is the commercial version probaly cost twice the price. Buy this item, you wont be sorry. Just remember I just got it so we will see how it holds up. Lastly, there are similar products available that do not have the hinge, they tend to be more akward to empty, definatly get one with a hinge!

OK folks, I have had time to use this item now. All I can say is it's holding up well and how I lived without it, I'll never know. As far as the broom clip goes. Ok so I feel a little stupid here. As it turns out, my curent broom clips right in, not to mention my curent broom is red and matches nicely. I doubt all brooms will fit the clip maybe I just lucked out. Anyway, for my use I find the clip actually works well. Thanks Harper. I love this product.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary ...

Buy Harper Brush Works 497-04 Jumbo Plastic Debris Pan, Colors Vary Cheap

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